Carson Frame
Military and Veterans Reporter - Texas Public RadioCarson graduated from the University of Southern Florida in 2011 with a B.A. in English and International Studies. She earned a Master's degree in Journalism from New York University in 2017.
Prior to coming to San Antonio, she worked as a reporter for WMNF in Tampa. She's written for Ms. Magazine, and she's done audio work for the podcasts, "Death, Sex, and Money"(WNYC) and "Memory Motel."
Stories by Carson Frame
Some members of the National Guard are facing consequences because they refused orders to deploy to major cities during this month's protests.In…
After Initially Saying It Wouldn't, The VA Now Will Remove Nazi Symbols From Two Veterans CemeteriesThe stones, engraved with swastikas, mark the graves of German POWs who died in the United States during World War II.The Department of Veterans Affairs…
Use of the Veterans Health Administration's telehealth platform has exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic. But the agency's infrastructure has struggled to keep pace.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought big changes to one of the defining aspects of military life -- boot camp. But some people question if the changes are…
Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities are now screening patients, employees, and visitors for coronavirus. But some are questioning the…
The coronavirus pandemic is affecting every aspect of American life - including military life.
For military personnel at the U.S.-Mexico border, including National Guard troops, it's an unusual assignment. Many are quartered in hotels, and their…
The VA pilot program places federally-backed volunteers in the homes of veterans to help with cooking, cleaning and other low-skill tasks. 92 year-old…
The Department of Veterans Affairs is offering couples retreats to help former service members communicate with their spouses. Inside a windowless hotel…
The Defense Department Inspector General found that the military handles domestic violence on base inconsistently, leading to fewer prosecutions and…